WHAT IS SHARED PARENTING?The well-being of children is the most important factor in any custody dispute. Our team of highly skilled lawyers are proficient in Canadian family law and have extensive experience in resolving parenting time and custody disputes. We have handled a wide variety of cases, including those with complex issues such as relocation, international custody disputes and children with special needs.
The Canadian family law system promotes shared parenting, meaning that both parents have equal rights and responsibilities for the child. As your lawyers, it is our duty to help you understand the legal framework and the factors that the court will take into account when making a decision about parenting time and custody. We strive towards finding the best solution for you and your child, whether it is through negotiation, mediation or litigation. We understand that this can be a difficult time for you and your family, and we are committed to providing the emotional support you need to get through this process. If you are seeking assistance with a parenting time & custody matter in Canada, feel free to reach out to our office. |